Where are you off to - Can we come?

No, I'm afraid you can't come. I'm off to Coleshill (up near Birmingham) to pick up a Knole settee and chair and I can't have you wanting to get out for a run around while I'm lashing it to the top of the car.

It was a toss up whether this photo got blipped or the Rover 25 with the settee on top of it. The back of the settee is quite tall so I couldn't get it into the back of the Rover, even with the finials taken off.
I did unscrew the side 'wings' though and put them inside with all of the cushions and the chair but it was a long way back at 50mph on the M42/M5. I must have looked a bit like an old Spanish Galleon! It was securely tied on and covered in Plastic sheet in case it rained but luckily the rain held off.

Back to Coleshill sometime during the week, I left my Ryobi power screwdriver in their garage!!!!! What a wally.

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