
By dennismccoy79


Struggled this morning with the wiring to the new security camera.  I have to take a spur from a socket on the floor above, then thread it down through the ceiling where it has to take a quick left and feed through a particularly thick wall and into the hallway.  So far I've managed to get the trickiest bit done, drilling through the floor above and into the corner of the ceiling below without damaging the plaster cornices or severing the central heating pipes.  I have pushed some stiff wire through the little tunnel thus made and hope to use it to pull electric cable through tomorrow.  After that it was a bit of a relief to go and help an old friend who is moving house and trying to clear years of stuff from his workshop and attic. He is 80 years old and not in the best of health.  We dragged a load of stuff down rickety stairs and took a trailer full of rubbish to the dump whilst it pissed  rained down like stair-rods. He will miss this view of the village.

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