Through a glass darkly...


Trolley on holiday

There's not much excitement being a shopping trolley. The occasional excursion into the far reaches of the car park is about all we can hope for realistically. However, there are always tales told between us trolleys when the shutters are down and we're all lined up ready for the next lot of customers.

The older trolleys tell of escaping - sort of joy riding, if you like - in the company of youths fuelled by alchohol or perhaps a little "parsley". Off into town or down by the canal...some, they say, ending up tipped over and rusting amid the ducks and mud. Not a bad way to go...

Most of us trolleys don't believe a word of it. But me, well I like to keep an open mind. After all, wouldn't it be something if, one day, one of these apochryphal brothers or sisters returned to tell us of their peregrinations in the world beyond the supermarket. And of their lost comrades, nestling forgotten in the byways of our green and pleasant land. We can all dream...

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