Strong at the broken places

I broke a nice little pot that was made where I used to live which means I've had it at least 25 years.

I mended it with the kintsugi kit I've had several years without using. Kintsugi is the Japanese technique of repairing broken ceramics with a visible mend. The breakage instead of being hidden is emphasised  with seams of gold, rendering it more precious than before.

As a metaphor, the process can be extended to the healing of human trauma not by denial or concealment but by acceptance and growth.
On a simpler level it's another way of reducing waste.

I was quite pleased with my first attempt at kintsugi especially as it wasn't a simple break, the pot was in several pieces. I'll have to be more careful with it now as I don't think I can kintsugi the kintsugi.

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