This Life Now

By ThisLifeNow

Living Room

I'm still adjusting to daylight savings time. My house is too. I like the light that is coming in through my living room. And the mood the light brings is relaxing. I think the light in homes affects everything. Being a residential appraiser, I can't help but notice how the mood of a house, a room, a space is set off by the light, its varying intensity and nuance. I want to live in a room full of light, a lovely high ceiling'd octagonal room with windows everywhere and tons of natural light. A view would be great too, like the Pacific Ocean at 2pm.

I once had my home Feng Shuied. The geomancer who showed up said I had 12 entities, benign, but not necessarily benevolent hanging out in my house. He sent them off to Gabriel, or wherever - important key is they're gone. Since then the light has been different. It could of course be all my imagination, being gullible, trusting, but no matter. I spend my days attracted to the light, where ever I find it, in homes, in people -- my little Kodak ready with an opinion.

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