I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Tiny Tuesday ~ Petrified Mushroom

I picked up this petrified mushroom this summer for a day like today. It is overcast, and nothing about that is interesting in the yard. Enter this mushroom, standing 3 inches tall, sitting on an O ring for support.

As I said yesterday, we have not had rain for over 150 days, so there are no fresh mushroom lurking about. The report said the rain should come about 6pm and last through Thursday. We can use it, but we don't have to get it all at once.

Tony came home happy yesterday. Won the match on the last hole. The final match will be Friday morning. 

I am grateful that the laundry is done, folded and put away for another week. Now to sit down and relax a bit before I start thinking about dinner.

Thank you, Debbi, for hosting this month. Sending you prayers and healing thoughts for a speedy recovery. 

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