Worlds that dont belong

By Jonny

A return

It's been a very long time since I've posted here.  Honestly I was not taking photos for most of it... not with my camera at least. A phone, of course, but it's just not the same for me. There's something about the weight of the lens, the lighting, working for the exposure I want, the downloading, the post processing... For me there's a ritual of the process. There's always been a longing for more than just snapping a photo in Lightroom on my phone and then uploading it to Instagram.  I've no good excuses for not taking the time for photography. Finding the delicate balance between everything in life is a challenge for me. Between work, my music production, my anxiety, and day to day life, I spent quite a bit of time lost and away from what's important. There's always something wonderful about being behind a lens for me. There's a certain Zen element to it. If anyone has read "Zen in the Art of Archery" by Eugen Herrigel you may relate to it. There's peace in the art, in the actions.  I hope to be back far more often now. 

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