Tracy's Take on Life.

By tracymcque

All roads lead to the Law

After the forecast telling us there would be definitely really - oh yes there will be - snow today, we woke up to none. A few teeny weeny tiny flakes hours later and still no snow. So thought I'd take a chance after yesterday's inactivity to go for a run along the lane (well walk, faaaaaast walk, breaking in to a jog sort of run).

We're really lucky to have these beautiful hedgerow edged lanes right outside our door. This stretch is one of my favourites as I can see the North Berwick Law in the distance. Mind, doesn't seem to matter how fast I walk/run/stagger it never seems to get that much closer.

Standing in the middle of the road to try & take a decent pic is tricky - but hey, a girl should suffer a little for her art?

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