Rich and James

My goodness I love these men! I was doing some early photos with James as he's being featured in a magazine...Rich joined us briefly as they have next to no pics together. 
By 10 Danny and I were on our way to the team meeting in San An. Good to be together with the community and to pray together. 
Home by lunchtime and I headed off to meet Claire at the Hilton for a lunch hosted by the owners...showcasing Basque cuisine. For some reason the 2 of us were treated like royalty (lunch for 40) and seated with the owner of the Sagardi Group who are the restaurant within the Hilton. The food was ay-may-zing!! Absolutely wonderful... Interesting people, interesting conversation...a real treat of an afternoon!! Because Claire writes for the British newspaper, she gets these lovely perks, and I get the benefit of being her +1!
Home and Rich has just collected Asha as she and her friend are having a sleepover at J&R's...they've got games, pizza and a movie planned!! And breakfast out tomorrow. Asha's been VERY excited for some time about tonight!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Community.
2) The treat that this afternoon was...just wonderful.
3) Friends like James and Rich, and Claire...the way they love our kids and the richness they add to our lives.

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