A bunch of lampshades...

An interesting way to hang lights, I thought! Just sort of strung up in the style of a bunch of balloons!

I was asked/encouraged to join a meal with D’s swimming group this evening and this time I did. Other times I’ve declined so he doesn’t have to explain all the in talk to me and can enjoy the company of his friends. It was a small group of six in the end and an interesting one too..two acupuncture practitioners and a homeopathic one so lots of new talk and theories; to me anyway. Mostly, I just listened.

Earlier today I had lunch with the mother of one of my special needs pupils. It was wonderful to hear how settled Mia now is in a small specialist school. I am in full admiration for the amount of work her mother had to do to fight her case so that Mia might receive the education and support to which she is entitled. I’ve been on the teaching side of that and it’s a jolly hard and relentless task.

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