B mused

By becah


I’m having a clear out and keep happening upon old photos.

I quite miss actual physical photos. I leave far too many of my photos in digital form.

Anyway, this is my first rescue dog and my first dog as an adult. I had just lost my childhood dog (Katie from yesterday’s post) a year before and someone brought this creature home for me. I hated her on sight and thought she was the ugliest dog I had ever seen. Within half an hour I was firmly wrapped around her little paw and very much in love. She was absolutely impossible for most of her 14 years (typical Smooth Coat Fox Terrier) and she made a huge impact on me. An absolute Lionheart of a dog, forever to be known as The Legend of Little Dog.

in this image I’d put her in the shirt and bow tie of my waitressing uniform of the time

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