Table Rugby

CyclopsJnr enjoys Rugby Tots a lot, but sometimes the games of touch rugby they do now are a bit much for him. He gets overexcited and forgets there are two teams and you only tag your own, that forward passes aren't allowed, and that being as close to the ball as possible isn't always the best place to be.  Then he gets frustrated when he doesn't get a turn with the ball...

So we've been having a chat about using your brain as well as your body when you do sports, and we've made some cutout people and a rugby ball to put on his air hockey table and look at how it works without the excitement of real running around.

Here a blue player has the ball, but has no-one to pass to as the team are all in front of them!

He's getting better at working out where he should put himself if he wants to be passed to, and seems to find that rewarding.  It remains to be seen if that translates to more thinking when playing!

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