On The Wire

A lecture-free Wednesday.  I went out for a bit to claim a package from UPS because they said 'there was no one at home' and forgot my coat.  A muscle between my lower back and hip twisted in the cold ... so I now have quite an amount of pain in that area on the right side.  Oh well.  So now I have a pretty good idea how AW feels part of the time.

This was shot from the back window of my little office upstairs.  Just before I went out.

It will be a sleepless night as Mimi and I will stay awake as we wait for the pro-forma hearing tomorrow.  Rather, I will need to stay awake while it will already be morning at Mimi's place.  Correction -- there is no need but I would like to voluntarily stay awake.  I've told the Viking to phone me directly afterwards to tell me what happened and how it went.  I don't think it will be reset again.  After 7 months of preparing, the Viking and I are set.  From what I understand, we'll be first in line at the courthouse.

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