
By KimChristie


It has been another packed weekend, hence the lack of comments.
Firstly, thanks for all the hearts and stars for Big Wheel.. I´m sure Little S would feel ever so proud if only she could understand the joys of blip!!! All she knows is that mummy is bloody annoying because she gets put in awkward positions and spends lots of time hanging around waiting for mummy to finish taking photos.
Friday night was dinner and an "English comedy night". Which astoundingly enough was filled with much laughter, both before, during and after the show.
Yesterday was filled with getting stuff done and skating, and today has been skiing.
The weather has been absolutely glorious. Cold (-12 was a bit cold for little fingers and toes on the ski slopes today) but sun filled. My kind of winter day.
The sun was setting on the way down from the hill and poor Bjornico and the girls were forced to stop the car yet again shouts of next stop was SUPPOSED to be home mummy from the back seat! when I caught a glimpse of the ski jump in all its glory bathed in sunlight.
A slightly different view from the last time I photographed it.
I hope you have all had wonderful weekends and I am looking forward to catching up with your journals and commenting over the coming days.
Have a wonderfully relaxing Sunday evening.

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