“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” 
― Kahlil Gibran

“Be kind. It will reveal your true inner beauty.” 
― Debasish Mridha

Having previously chosen the theme 'beauty' for my last Mono Monday as host, I was then stumped for an idea for my own theme (!) during this long day of busy work and irritating issues that would have qualified me to enter the 'most grumpy person on the planet' competition,  when .... 

..... salvation came in the form of two of the most beautiful people I know walking in to the music office. My colleague, a daily blessing, along with a recently graduated '19 student, drummer and guitarist extraordinaire, (as featured in many previous Blips) who came to visit thereby filling my Blip vacuum with his smile and saving my sanity by helping the sound guy set up the theatre for Lise Live rehearsals which will occupy my after school life this week (show is on Friday). Their smiles as antidote to my grumpiness was almost instantly effective and cathartic at the start of what promises to be a very long week. 

Finally done with round one of after school auditions,  I smoothed away the cortisol and adrenaline levels generated by a ten hour day by weeping in to my beer at Bizim Tepe in the early evening company of Sean and Caitlin.

...... and now I'm going to engage in the therapy of looking at all the mm305 entries - guaranteed to cure any residue of the grumps

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