Indian squirrel

I was so happy to see some wildlife close up. The Ashapura Minerals guys picked us up and took us to the Guesthouse, where employees from the Mumbai office stay when they’re in Bhuj, it’s an oasis surrounded by gardens. This little squirrel was running around in the garden. After breakfast we went to see an activated bentonite plant, or fullers earth. It is mainly used for filtering crude edible oils. Then on to the R&D facility, and analytical labs which are the best I’ve seen in many years. In the evening they took us to the Mother India Monument, which Mr Shah of Ashapura built in honor of his parents. It’s a one eighth scale replica of the Delhi parliament building. Inside a multimedia display going from room to room all about India’s struggle for independence from Britain between 1687 and 1947. There was lots of burning of Union Jacks etc. Once dark there is an incredible projected light show on the outside of the building.

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