
The sun shone all day today which was absolutely blinking marvellous. Ben and Ally did their rugby thing. Matthew & Emily from next door only they aren't came round and ended up staying for lunch then we all headed down to the park again and met up with Sam & Josh!

This was the highlight of the park today. It's like a giant strip of carpety stuff laid over logs. If you jump on one side, the children on the other side are pinged up in the air. Even I joined in (and gave the children max air). This was my favourite though as you can see both the delight on Lily's face and the air Em made!! I believe MrRoly is also blipping a similar phoo this evening...

Back home for a round of freezer suprise - I had gotten into the habit of putting leftovers in takeaway tubs but forgetting to label them so tonight we decided to tackle some. Ben ended up with beef casserole (guessed correctly), I had a chicken breast and mushrooms in a cidery sauce (not chicken curry then) and Ally eventually ended up with spag bog but not until we'd defrosted a tub of pizza topping sauce...

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