Today has been a ...

... very long day. It’s always the way of it - my car was at the car vet so my morning was given over to a coffee, all the charity shops, a look at the pier, and then the library. It got off to a good start - I was at the car vet’s emporium before the chief car vet arrived. Then costa had none of the milk I use and I had to have soya which was disgusting. I found zero things of interest in the charity shops. It started to rain. I nipped down to the public toilets for an essential pit stop and nabbed this shot. Then went to library and all the seats were taken. Luckily after mooching round the shelves for ten minutes someone left and I got to sit nicely in line with the way in and out ...
Rang car vet, discovered part needed not due till mid afternoon so texted E and hit her lunch break so she came and got me. Then I spent the afternoon waiting to hear from the car vet that I could collect my car! Finally got the text, so we went over in the truck, dropped it in at the car vet, collected my car and raided the co-op! Stuffed vines leaves . . . I do love stuffed vine leaves.

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