Random Ramblings

By McJax

Film Star

Over to see dad today - audiologist then shops.

He had a copy of last week’s Falkirk Herald - it features an article about my Auntie Anna and my grandad James Kent Marjoribanks.

When we were little he made us laugh with stories of him being a film star with ‘flowing golden locks’ ... it turns out he was one of 800 extras drafted in from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders for a battle scene in a 1922 Rob Roy movie! The film was ‘discovered’ and Anna was invited to a special screening ... mum would have loved it too.

I remember him fondly and enjoyed visits to his home in Larbert ... there was a banjo, a glass cabinet full of interesting ornaments & coins and his art equipment - he was a wonderful artist.

And as mentioned in a previous Blip on 4th November, a friend of James Finlayson, actor in Laurel & Hardy movies.

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