
By DrSandy

Hard body NOT

Spent the morning, putting the finishing touches to my next drawing order.... then, placed the order, at 12 pm.

With the business side of things, out of the way, I took the rest of the afternoon "off", to catch up on my reading, before heading to gym, to do STEP.

This sign, on a 4x4 in the parking lot, caught my eye - so I blipped it.

It turned out to be quite prophetic.

The class was PACKED and the room, was a hot as Hades.

The air conditioner is not working. It's OFFICIALLY, being refurbished, from 11 Nov to 29 Nov.   We have been given the option, to use, other branches of the gym, so complaining, is point less.

About 10 minutes, before the class was due to end......... there was a piercing scream, from the row behind me.  I turned around, to find Mel, writhing in pain, on the floor.

She had damaged her ankle.

A few people rushed over to help and the rest of us, just carried on STEPPING. 

She couldn't drive home and had, to go to the emergency department, to have it X-rayed, to check, whether it was broken.

It wasn't, just badly sprained.

I didn't get involved, but was deeply disturbed, by the incident.

HARD BODY.................... NOT !

What if that had been ME ?

How the hell, would I have gotten home and gotten, to a hospital, to get checked out ?  Which hospital would I have gone to ?  Would the medical aid, have paid for it ?  

I never really imagined, someone could REALLY get hurt, in the class.

People have fallen before, including me.

But, no one has every really been hurt, beyond their pride, taking a bruising.

Eish !   STEP is potentially dangerous....especially when you are tired and HOT !

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