The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild


My sister Margaret was a Girl Scout and my mom went on all of her camping trips as the Troop Nurse. Because my mom didn't trust anyone to take care of me after my mishap with the sink faucet, I was dragged along with them.

I have to say that I was intrigued by these camping trips, as they always seemed to end up in the rain with little girls sick and crying all over the camp sites. Eager to see if I too could wear a nifty sash and earn Merit Badges, I signed up to be a Brownie. It was a lot of fun, and I was very pleased with myself when I got promoted to Juniors.

Junior Girl Scouts got to go on camping trips and earn badges. I worked diligently at earning these small round wonders, and enjoyed sewing them onto my sash - which never seemed to have the number of badges that my sister's had.

Truth be told, I wasn't very good at Scouting. I was not into camping, and one trip ended in several troops huddled into a learning center for the night, as it was too cold for us to sleep outside. Huddled in my sleeping bag, I slept well that night, knowing that indoor plumbing was but a few steps away.

When we moved to a new town when I was 10, I opted out of joining a new troop. These 3 badges are the last ones I earned, and never made it onto my meager sash.
The top one is The Observer, then Gypsy, and Visual Arts. I took some time tonight and researched what they all meant. I was shocked to find that I still enjoy these activities.

I love the outdoors and always have found fascination with animals, plants, trees, rocks, stars, and the planets. (Observer) I still love to plan and go on all day hikes. (Gypsy) As for the Visual Arts, color, museums, and taking pictures all make me happy.

Maybe I wasn't such a terrible Girl Scout after all?

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