Goodbye Northumberland

We left the car for #3 daughter to use and had a goodbye hug with Ella and Nathaniel. It was only a 5 minute walk to the metro. While waiting a train drew in going in the opposite direction and all the passengers had to get out for some reason and wait for another train to continue their journey. I heard these shouts “Granneeeee” and on the opposite platform stood Thomas and James with #2 daughter. They were heading to go bowling as James had had a very good cooperative week at school, working well in a group and doing what was asked. (He’d told me last night on the phone he’d not had to go to his “safe place”). I expect it won’t be all plain sailing but at least it’s hopeful!

We are now in a nice quiet T2 Heathrow, waiting for our night flight to Addis Ababa.

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