Afternoon sunshine (Day 1668)

We had a later than normal start this morning, but there were still patches of frost on the ground. I was as surprised as Sigyn when she startled an owl in the undergrowth and it flapped away silently.
At home a bit later, I made a start on sorting out my pile of scrap copper which is threatening to take over the garage, leaving my beautiful wife to head to the yard and get some hoss time. The arrival of the postie with oil and air filters for the truck brought my scrap sorting to a halt, and I headed to the yard in the truck to do a bit of tinkering. The oil light has been on the last few times I have driven the truck despite the internal pressure guage showing normal and the dipstick indicating plenty of oil. A quick Google search said it was likely the oil pressure sensor which is easier to get at with the oil filter off. An oil change seemed a sensible idea. With the filter off, there was no sign of the sensor, but I eventually spotted it under the engine. The wiring to it has broken, I will fix it another day.
The view from the yard was lovely and worthy of a blip.
We had a late lunch at home, a wander with the woofers at Lyde, and a trip to town for supplies. All in all a grand day.

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