
By pandieb

No Blip

I don't have a Blip, I said
Take me, he said

So I did!

Running, riding and a surprise visit from No.1. Plus an avoided (possibly unwisely) trip to minor injuries after an incident with the bread knife. It's still attached but not really what I wanted to do the day before I go away and there's lots of tape holding everything together.

No.1 is still struggling a bit. New meds this week so hopefully back on track soon. I hope so.

Riding was fun. My usual instructor had a rare weekend off so we had her brother, also an instructor, which is always good. He's quite different but good fun. We're preparing for an end of year dressage test, something I haven't done since I was 17.

Tellybox with No.2 before she goes back to her Mum's and then Uni tomorrow. I have a 0630 cab pickup.

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