Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Living life on the veg

Winter vegetables and end of summer fruits; the smell of thick, nourishing broths and the feel of a warm house after a walk in the icy air after dark. I never think of night as falling in winter; it always feels to me as though it creeps like a gigantic dark gloved hand working its way over softened rooftops, turning the edge of the day liquid and hastening us to bed.

Every season brings us something. Winter is the chance to semi hibernate and reflect, to draw the emotional blanket around ourselves and entrench until the spring. It felt very much like that today, as we carried on putting the house in order and readying ourselves for the last three days of floor laying and scotia finishing.  Like re-lining a burrow before the snow season begins.

I am so lucky with the home I have and so grateful for the food on our table.

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