horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Got the news through from Lothian Cat Rescue today on the sexes of the various kittens. And so the two little gingers we were looking at are both girls; however they have a little brother in the shape of the wee tabby I took a shine to (in the extras). Basically introducing cats of the opposite sex is apparently easier, and with Isla being an old(ish - she doesn't act it) girl, she can show a new little boy who is boss.

Leading the name stakes at the moment is Harris (after the island, which we know well and love), but we'll be popping by again in a couple of weeks to check in on him, and that'll give us more of an idea of whether the name suits him or not. We'll not get him home until the New Year, so plenty time to sort out how best to try and make Isla understanding of his presence!

And apart from that good news / calls today, had a really nice Sunday meeting my brother and niece for brunch (they were in Edinburgh for the weekend to go to the market and the Lyceum panto - I left them to it yesterday, enjoying some time just the two of them). Some fun bowling (I realised the first time since I broke my arm 2 and a half years ago), and playing the arcades for a while as well; before a cracking Sunday roast. We don't do it often, ut the nostalgia hits hard whenever we do, and I finally seem to have cracked GF Yorkshire puds.

Pity it's work tomorrow.

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