Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Four days...

Friday. Saturday. Sunday. Monday.
All spent with this gent. My good friend Dan, who featured in my blip on Tuesday.

In preparation for his EP launch on Saturday, I offered to give him a hand on Friday... As fate would have it, anything that could go wrong, did. I ended up staying the night at his place, burning 50 copies of his EP with him. Add in our propensity to talk entirely too much, and a bottle of whiskey... The sun was half risen by the time we went to bed. Saturday night neither of us were sober enough to get home separately, so I again ended up at his place, both of us very proud of what he had just done. Yesterday we were nursing very sore heads, and basically stayed in bed. I decided to make a move, but then missed the bus, so ended up back at his place again. Today, we were getting sick of the sight of each other (in that "I love you, but for our sanity, I don't want to see you for two weeks" way). So, I made sure I did not miss the bus. We had a quick bite to eat in town, I just missed a train, and boarded the next.
As fate would have it, the train I was meant to be on had been involved in an accident a few stations down the line, so while police and emergency services were at the scene (a suicide), no further trains were running until further notice. Being the lovely man he is, when I called to say the train would not be moving any time soon, and that replacement busses would be at least an hour, he came back and kept me company until the bus arrived.

Absolutely lovely, and completely mad friend. I adore him.
But I am glad to be home, in my own bed, where it is quiet...

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