Canal bridge

Back in the office, today. It was a beautiful, crisp, clear day, which made the lunchtime walk to Asda a pleasure. 

My favourite part of that walk is the old canal bridge, although the canal itself was filled on over sixty years ago. (A plan to reopen the canal from Kendal to Natland Road, due for completion in 2009, has never started.) It's rare that I walk over the bridge without imagining standing on it, watching the barges glide beneath. 

Actually, that puts me in mind of that wonderful chapter in Ray Bradbury's 'The Martian Chronicles' where the two characters meet across time, both viewing the same city but one seeing it in its prime and the other seeing it as a ruin. (I guess that ties in with yesterday's post about Buddhism.)

-11.6 kgs
'Look To Windward' by Iain M Banks

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