Year 5 Assembly

Deklans last assembly for this year, year 5 had organised an Hawaiian theme to entertain their audience, Deklan sat waiting to play his Ukulele along with some of his class mates, they played to the tune of 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' while his other class mates sang in the background, very nicely done too, now i am still humming the tune in my head! 
Hard to believe that next year is our young mans last in primary school, he is looking forward to being a year six student, he has put forward his application for faction captain or student councillor, or IT captain, he will know the verdict when the votes are in next week, so proud that he felt confident enough just to submit his verbal application, this shy boy of just 5 years ago is now on the cusp of wanting to be a leader.
I still get the biggest hugs on school pick ups in the school playground regardless of his class mates and other students running everywhere, thats my boy!! :-))

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