Frosty, foggy start to a cold, sunny Wednesday...

After four hours of diagnostic tests, “live chats”, and phone calls, the Internet is finally running again, but s-o-o-o s-l-o-w-l-y. Eventually they admitted the modem was faulty and are sending a new one free of charge, though to start with they wanted to charge me £120 for a new modem, even though their diagnostic tests showed that was the problem!

The rest of my day has been spent bottling up the remaining Blackberry Vodka, ready to be given as Christmas presents, each bottle to be accompanied by a pair of antique French glasses, bought at the Brocante in Brittany this Summer.

Will do my best to catch up with the world of Blip this evening, using the world’s s-l-o-w-e-s-t broadband!

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