Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Strike a light!

Hylton Road, Sunderland, not a part of town I visit often but as MrsDB had locked me out of the house for 2 hours while she was being pampered (I'm a fool with my money) I was killing time window shopping in B&Q.  

Just up from The Mountain Daisy, where the tram fell over (you all remember that) the hoardings have been removed from the gable end of the Zeba takeaway - a wonderful establishment that I frequented a lot in the 1980's - and these 1940-50's signs have been exposed. I remember these brands of matches clearly, my Grandpop used to use Swan Vestas for his pipe though occasionally Puck, Blue Bell and Captain Webb appeared.  I also recall Rocket matches, made in Hartlepool and being taken there on the bus and seeing the smouldering remains of the factory after the fire.  

My Grandma shopped at Binns in Hartlepool.  She always did what the adverts on the buses said.  'Horse go suck a Zube' caused her all sorts of problems.  Grandpop couldn't give a Nimmo's XXXX.

The pic is a screen grab from my dash-cam.

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