A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Unremarkable day until.....

Snowy, wet start to the day. Bussed it to work and went out for my lunch time walk. Took this because there was very little snow anywhere else.

On my way back to the bus tonight I was having a lovely peaceful walk up into town. I was walking up Grey Street and heard an alarm. I looked to my left to see the door to the hunting, shooting, fishing shop was ajar. The lights were off, the alarm was going off and all I could see were hundreds of shotguns and a light coming through the crack in the door at the back of the shop.
After a bit of a dither, I thought I can't leave this shop (well from the outside!) What to do? I stood for a minute and decided I had to phone the police.
Dialled 999 and got through to a lovely lady who asked me what the matter was, I explained everything and then had to say Bagnall & Kirkwood in that 'oscar charlie' alphabet (I made some of it up!) She took my phone number, I gave her the address and then....
Me: 'there's someone coming!'
Her: 'Don't go in!'

The man came to the door

I went in and found he was the owner who had gone round the back to phone his wife about the alarm!

I explained the mistake to everyone and then left after compilmenting the gentleman on his flamingo!

I got to the Theatre Royal when I heard the sirens.

I do hope your day has been a bit more straightforward!

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