My Attempts

By Bernydoll

Gluten free eating - Coeliac Disease

All these tasty dishes cooked easily without cross contamination. Recently I’ve had unpleasant experiences trying to eat out. The new thing now is to bring a large allergen file along with the menu so I can cross reference the ingredients, completely takes the pleasure of eating out away. In Spain the menus have indicators clearly marked on the menu and the waiting staff are well trained and helpful. Scotland seems to be heading in the wrong direction when it comes to Coeliac Disease and food allergens, Coeliac Disease isn’t an allergen, it’s an autoimmune disease. When I get an invitation to eat out my heart sinks because I hate having to be so noticeable in company. I know some people think it’s a picky fad which actually upsets me. Sometimes when I do go out to eat the menu for me is extremely limited and I’m expected to pay extra for the “pleasure”.

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