Hon in Edinburgh

By honined

Car goes window shopping

Quite a few issues to sort out at work today, so couldn't abandon the office at lunchtime. So I was pretty much resigned to photographing a hard-drive I needed to pick up from a parcel depot this evening. Suitably padded up with a few thousand words on the unobtainability of perfect backups, whether one's digital life should be treated as ephemeral consumables, and how ultimately all that data will be unreadable in centuries' time anyway. Now building a dirty great pyramid and carving a few hieroglyphics inside: that's what I call a long term storage soluti0n.

Anyway, this car had the temerity to obstruct my cycle home this evening. Whilst photographing it I was thinking all sorts of explanations as to how it got there. Maybe it was abandoned after a Reservoir Dogs like jewellery heist, or maybe it was after an evening's joyriding around the Mean Streets of the New Town. A few blocks later, after my fevered imagination had calmed down, I figured the driver must have just left the handbrake off after parking the car in the spaces running through the middle of this street, and it rolled down a few metres. Probably not enough material for a film script...

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