A video protects drivers too...

When the company moved to their current location, one concern was a red light camera where we must go through at least twice a day. When you turn left, at a very short distance is another light and being on a major truck route and being 65 feet long, it's common for cars to use the wrong lane and cut us off. The top photo is one of those cars that realized it was to close to change lanes the first time. So they speed up and change lanes - lower left photo. On the lower right, they then stop in front of us till someone lets them in.

This of course forced me to hit the brakes hard enough to trigger an automatic email to safety and to my boss along with the video. Seeing that I did everything right, my boss thanked me for paying attention and doing my job. I really wish people understood the danger they put themselves in...

Looking forward to getting a tree, hot coco and seeing the reindeer with my mom and nephew tomorrow...  

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