Back in Italy. Day 11

Finished working in the house with big bro in the morning. Went to R and S’s for lunch. I had given them a lot of my dad's cacti and I could see that they all look very healthy. S had promised me I could use their wood burning oven to burn some documents. I had about five big bin liner full of them. It took him the whole afternoon to do that. R gave me the ornament in the extra which S had carved. It’s beautiful and such a great present.
Back home, at five sharp, my lovely colleague E arrived to collect all my work stuff. She went away with a car full of books and other stuff. 
My lovely neighbours C and P had invited me for dinner and I spent a lovely evening with them. They are looking after another of my dad’s cacti, which is looking great. I’m so happy these plants are being looked after so well.

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