Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

These are a few of my favourite things

Reduced signs and Wool in all sorts of colours.
I'm sorry for the distinctly fuzzy look to this - I was trying to take a photo surreptitiously while standing beside 'the wummin' who was sorting things and I was keen not to be told off. So I snapped and ran. (well, metaphorically ran - I don't do running!)

I was given a book of knitting patterns for Christmas and was trying to find some new wool to be able to start on some of these. Even in the Reduced section, it was really too dear for me there - but I got some anyway. I can now start - well, I'll show you in a few days what I'm gonna start first.

The colour that I got excited by was the bottom middle of the 2nd Left 'cube'.

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