Megan's Weekend is over

A strong cold wind most of the day, with a flat calm evening.  There had been some snowy winter showers through the night, and this morning, but mostly sunny all day. 

I've been working in the museum office all day, and my usual working with photos.  I've been working in the pub after tea, finished early.  Walkies with Sammy, and now feet up by the fire. 

Monday always comes around too fast, and now it's time for niece Megan to head back to Glasgow.  She's had a great time with family and friends, and will be missed, until we see her again.  I nipped down the road at lunchtime, Laura had s pot of reestit mutton tattie soup ready, and some bannocks.  L-R - Mam, Megan and Laura.  Taken at Laura's, in the Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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