
Spent the day down in Glasgow looking for some new lighting for our living room. There's a new sofa arriving next week and although the Christmas decorations will light up the room, we badly need to sort out task lighting. We're also planning a kitchen revamp (after Christmas) which needs to get ordered over the next week so I was checking out a few options which are being considered. 
There was a small amount of present shopping done too, one of which was this gin. I had thought the image would make a good mono Monday entry but decided that the colour was just too good. Many moons ago I tried the "normal" variety from this Australian distillery and was tempted by a wee sample of this small batch gin when I was in one of the wine shops. The Shiraz grapes from the Yarra Valley are steeped in the gin for 8 weeks apparently. Delicious with a very lemony lemonade. 

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