
By MumOf4Wildlings

Had to be done.

This afternoon we baked 62 of these cookies. They have chocolate melted through them too.
I've bagged them up into 5's so Mr R doesn't eat them all :-)

The smallest wildling had a raging temperature this morning and had went downhill overnight. Calpol and cuddles for a few hours and then she went for a three hour nap. Now that's definitely not like her. She's a little more better this afternoon, but she's not really had food or anything, and she is definitely likes to eat. So I know she's under the weather.

I had another sleepless night. The biggest wildling is taken to waking up, and when he does this he won't go back over. I stuck him in with his dad again. I have no idea what is going through his head. Could be school, the fact that Christmas is coming, anything. I just don't know. I hope tonight is better.

I have a semi busy day tomorrow. I really want to walk into town and get Mr R a special monopoly. I get him one every Christmas. I should really get 2 as we never play them. They just get wrapped and put in the loft. Got to love a collector item. I have a few comics like this and star trek figure's.

Thanks again for all your star's and comments.

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