Lonesome Tree

Oh dear I took a few photos while I was washing the car, I thought. Twas a fine day for it. This was after a gambol round the posh supermarket. As the Hamburg trip had been postponed, we loaded up with treats to console ourselves. 
But yes, the point was that I found I’d only taken one photo. 
Anyway, I’ve found a new podcast, with Nick Robinson, and that kept me happily engaged whilst grubbing out the dead annuals. Reflecting on the shit show that is our election campaign (my paraphrasing) Nick recalled Cameron had been given five ‘key phrases’ to insert in some leaders debate thing back in 2015. As the debate drew to a close, Cameron hadn’t managed to get one in and looked increasingly anxious so he just blurted it out anyway and then leant back satisfied. Says it all. And it seems we now have an endless parade of these debates which surely can’t appeal to anyone, can they? What have we done to deserve this? Oh and yes, I posted my postal vote. 

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