Making Memories

By LeighFamily

Making a Meal of Things...

Something I can be pretty good at...

Elliott and Dominic have been little angels today, though you wouldn't think they'd be anything else based on their deep eyes and beautiful smiles. Elliott especially, has been really sweet towards Dominic - he even cuddled Dominic to calm him down when they realised we were off out and the babysitter was looking after them for an hour!

On another note, thirteen months of suffering might be coming to an end at last. I dare not get my hopes too high, as all other suggestions have failed to bring a result. Dominic has been through so much already in his little life and I just want it to be over for him - for him to be a "normal" toddler enjoying a "normal" life.

Last November he suffered a bout of sickness and just never recovered. At its worst, Dominic was throwing up as much as seven times a day, sometimes struggling to catch his breath too. We have had so many doctor and hospital visits - even emergency callouts for the severity of his sickness - in this time and no answers as to what is wrong with him.

After today's consultation, he is being referred to an Allergen Specialist and Dietician. We could be waiting a while for our first appointment, but I'm praying this is the beginning of the end for Dominic's sickness...

Happy Days???

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