Nnnnooooo call the fashion police and get this lunatic arrested:))))))
Originally The Rev was going out in his grey clergy gear...but I suggested he changed....WHY?!?! However it caused a giggle at the teams Christmas dinner and the funniest thing was that the Trust board were also a the restaurant (by coincidence) celebrating the festive season too. Don’t often see The Rev so was funny.
In the morning I tutored....chemistry!!!! and was a good session but I had to do some real prep work. Then I went up to Mums and took her to Croydon for her opticians appointment. Whilst she was there I zipped around and did some shopping. She then treated me to afternoon tea in Marks....we did have to deal with Jam-gate as she wanted my jam!!!! But we shared :))) when I got back my student had cancelled so I had time to get ready to go out to one of our favourite restaurants with the above fashion lunatic!!!

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