The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

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Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I. Was. Rough. All. Day.

Thankfully Murphy meant I had to go out which made me feel a bit better. I even braved the smallest post office in the world with my Christmas parcels. While I was in the queue, I naively tried to multi-task and reply to a text from Basher, but accidentally sent the message (which would have seemed very random) to Laura D*:

“I am in purgatory in the post office trying to send Christmas parcels and some twat at the counter has about 20 packages. At least I’m in the right place to go postal!”

Thankfully she said it made her laugh!


*O’H dear - Laura D is Lovely Tea Jenny’s friend. We have only ever texted to make arrangements when LTJ is in Scotland.

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