recycled energy

By ryanstyle

Projection makes perception.

How the physical world may appear to you
is only a reflection of how you are feeling within.

If you are empirically walking on Cloud Nine,
even a rainstorm may be a dream come true.
On the other hand, if you are in the shadows,
the most sunniest day may be a nightmare.

You are only able to recognize in others
what you predominantly recognize in yourself.

This life is but an illusion similar to
the infamous circus sideshow known as
The Hall of Mirrors.

You walk around faced with images
of yourself and it is up to you
how to choose to work through yourself
in order to overcome the mind's tricks.
Inadvertently, you always end up
back where you started from.

The mind is the only thing keeping you
from realizing that and embracing
God's promise of a safe trip back Home.

The next time you think,
"I am going nowhere."
Please take the word
nowhere and split it up
to now here.

For you are now here;
& all is well with the world.

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