
By chrispybox

Going up

Well its a really wet day today. In keeping with Election Day. I hope people are getting out to vote. What ever the result, a low turnout will be a sad reflection on the electorate for such a critical vote.

Fingers crossed that something truly radical is going to happen. However, If Sunderland ( usually one of the first votes declared to Labour ) goes Tory then we are in for a very cold winter. The Winter of Our Discontent perhaps?

It’s Foodbank tomorrow. Everyone is concerned about Universal Credit - will it stay or will it go?

Any way back to the Blip. This was taken in One New Change, St Paul’s. It made me smile to see how many people were in the lift. They were not taking a photo of the Xmas decorations. If you go to the 6th Floor in this lift you get a great view of St Paul’s and it’s free.

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