Coming and Going

There's a loving in your eyes all the way
If I listen to your lies, would you say
I'm a man without conviction
I'm a man who doesn't know
How to sell a contradiction
You come and go, you come and go

What just happened across the water?? As Blouseybrown remarked philosophically, it is what it is. But it doesn't feel good. And it's highly bewildering. We are now gazing at the form: Application by a person of full age for naturalisation as an Irish citizen. It's a big one. 

The wildness continues here, grey, wet and windy and a bit of shopping in Bantry where just a few stall holders were stocially braving the weather. I bought a large bit of last year's stilton from the cheeseman - it looks very lively! 

Then on to the doctor's, armed with a huge Christmas wreath and an armful of cyclamen. The blood pressure she reckons is hereditary and I am to take a baby dose of something to sort it out. I will be good.

A quick stop at the pier on the way home to admire the greyness enlivened by some jazzy reds. Rather bizarrely Karma Chameleon was blaring forth from the fishing boat and yet not a soul was around. The lyrics felt oddly prophetic. It was either that or Bridge over Troubled Water!

Karma Chameleon

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