A Bit More Christmassy

I've been feeling a bit more Christmassy today: the jet lag that had left me muzzy headed the last two days seems to have worn off, the joy on the faces of the children in yesterday's Nativity play has stayed with me (even and especially when Sophie crept into our bed at 6o'clock this morning and regaled us with her remarkably detailed and accurate version of the Bible story) and we bought our Christmas tree this morning, leaving the house smelling of pine.

It's Sophie's birthday on Sunday and she had three of her school friends round for a birthday tea after school. She phoned us, very excited, after they'd gone home declaring it "the best birthday party ever". Who couldn't feel more Christmassy after all that childish excitement?

The blip is a detail of the one Christmas decoration we've got out so far, an illuminated snowman who I suspect may feature again before the season's out.

Trying to block out the election result.

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