Tree tops...

And a pretty sky. Not enough snow yet though... I want proper snow please. Soon as you like! I have posh wellies and everything!

Well the hospital visit was uneventful, my face is still in one piece. Thank you for all your well wishes, you're a lovely bunch. The photos of my lump are to go to the consultant who will decide how she's going to proceed with digging the rest out. I guess it'll depend on how deep it is as to how they dig it out, do the Mohs surgery or send me to plastics. Maybe I'll sneak in a nose job while I'm there. I've no idea how long it'll be before I have to go back but I'm sort of hoping it will be all done and dusted before my holiday so sooner would be better than later.

Thanks for the chum Mum. x

92 sleeps!

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