Window on the sky

The North Shropshire border is an interesting place, on one side of the hills it is fertile, calm, picturesque and relatively flat but on the other side it is another more hostile place where the Berwyns dominate and the edge of the Snowdonia National Park is only 20 miles away as the crow flies.

Today as I drove up the side of the hill, almost at the moment where Cheshire and Shropshire disappeared out of my rear view mirror suddenly there was ice on the road and the last remnants of snow were still clinging to the ground. After a mile or so of icy snow covered roads I reached one of my favourite spots at a T junction with the Berwyns sitting like a massive glowering lump straight in front of you. It is one of my very favourite places as in the hour or so I spent here I literally saw not another person.

On the right of the road is this lovely pool, I have been here before a few times and I know of at least one past Blip which has featured it one way or another. The light was stunning today so although I got many nice shots this one has won out for now.

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